
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Eternal City

There is only the City. The City is ancient, vast. The City came before everyone in it, and will remain after everyone is dead. At the centre of the City is a mountain, and upon the mountain is the Palace, and it can be seen from the Walls. Inside the palace is the Queen, though very few alive can claim to have seen her. She rules the City with an iron grip. The Queen's Mandarins carry her decrees to the Court and represent petitioners for her mercy. They go about masked and none know their true identity, and they never leave the Palace. Much is whispered about the Queen, though never within earshot of Her Constables. Surrounding the Palace is the High City, a district of wealth and culture, where dilletantes carouse with courtesans and merchant princes shuffle wealth amongst themselves like pieces on a chessboard. Their villas are tall and luxurious, festooned with lights and banners. Every day is a festival in the High City, and its lights glitter across the waters